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School Life

Campus Ministry

About Campus Ministry

The young men of Calvert Hall are highly conscious of their own spiritual development as they work to become Men of Intellect, Men of Faith, and Men of Integrity. This consciousness drives them to help those in our community who need them.

Through Campus Ministry, students have regular opportunities to attend retreats, participate in meaningful liturgical experiences, and minister through community service and mission trips locally, nationally, and internationally. Three full-time Campus Ministers coordinate these activities and help our young men develop spiritually, emotionally, and academically. The Campus Ministry team is available throughout the school day for support and to minister to the entire campus.

We are very proud of the extensive programs we offer that nurture the faith lives of our students and the sense of community that is so vibrant at Calvert Hall. We invite you to learn about the many different activities coordinated by the Campus Ministry office, which is located in the center hallway of Keelty Hall beside the chapel. Our office is always open to students, family, alumni, and staff.

One For Hall


The Calvert Hall College High School Campus Ministry Retreat program offers students the opportunity to take time out from their busy academic and social lives for prayer and reflection. On retreat, students consider issues that affect their lives as teenagers, such as peer pressure, faith, and relationships with family and friends. The design of our retreats reflects the developmental nature of the student’s spiritual journey and growth. Each year, every student is provided with a retreat opportunity as a requirement for graduation from Calvert Hall.

List of 4 items.

  • Freshman Retreat

    In early fall, all freshmen will take part in their first retreat experience at Calvert Hall. This retreat will be an amazing opportunity for the freshmen to form community with one another and with the many student and faculty volunteers who will be helping to run the retreat.  Over the course of the two days, freshmen will bond in peer-led small groups as they explore what it means to be Lasallian, by focusing on the Lasallian themes of Faith, Service and Community.  Freshmen will participate in team-building games and competitions, reflect on how to build strong community within and beyond Calvert Hall, pray together and share their experience of faith.
  • Sophomore Retreat

    The Sophomore Retreat invites students to “Stand Together on the Margins” with the people our society tends to dismiss by engaging in a one-day service opportunity. The Sophomore Retreat challenges students to integrate faith and action in response to the Gospel’s call to help others. Students participate in service at various local placements with their religion sections, concluding the day with reflection and prayer. Service sites include Our Daily Bread, The Gallagher Center, and First Fruit Farms. 
  • Junior Retreat

    The Junior Retreat is a one-night, two-day retreat experience of faith-sharing and discussion. Entering a year of important decision-making (self-identity, friendships, finding your place, and looking into college opportunities), this retreat challenges students to explore and discern personal direction and goals for the years ahead. While participating in small group discussions and hands-on activities, this retreat presents the opportunity for personal prayer and reflection as well as active engagement with classmates, student peer ministers, and a wide variety of Calvert Hall’s faculty. All Junior Retreats are held at the Trinitarian Spiritual Center in Pikesville, Maryland.
  • Senior Retreat

    The Senior Retreat capstone experience is a two-night, three-day retreat that focuses on engaging students in the reflection of their Calvert Hall journey. Reminding students that “Everyone Has Their Own Story”, this special retreat challenges students to begin thinking about life after Calvert Hall. On Senior Retreat, students take time to reminisce and reflect on the years that have passed and to pray and prepare for the years ahead. Seniors will be joining their classmates for an unforgettable exploration of where they have been and where they are going, what excites them and what scares them, how you will say goodbye to some friends and stay connected to others. All Senior Retreats are held at the O’Dwyer Retreat Center in Sparks, Maryland.

Community Service at Calvert Hall

As part of a Catholic, LaSallian institution, the service program at Calvert Hall is directly influenced by the belief that service, faith and justice are inextricably connected. Students are exposed to a wide variety of service and educational experiences throughout their time at Calvert Hall. Social justice and service learning are infused through courses across curriculum. Community service education is not just an accumulation of hours; rather it is a process that requires preparation, action, reflection and evaluation. Through the service program at Calvert Hall students have the opportunity to discover their talents in new ways and commit to projects they are passionate about.

Community Service Components

List of 6 items.

  • Junior Service Requirement

    The juniors are required to complete 24 hours of service within the Junior Year as it relates specifically to the Junior religion course on Catholic Social Teaching. Students choose one agency to dedicate their time to and are asked to commit an average of 2 hours a week for the entire school year. Service is required to be part of their routine and they are asked to write regular reflections on their experiences.
  • Monthly Service

    Although students do not need a certain number of hours each year, Campus Ministry offers monthly service projects for all students who choose to be involved. Students who participate in service outside of a Calvert Hall requirement or a Calvert Hall sponsored activity are encouraged to fill out a documentation form so that their hours can be recorded for their academic file.

    • Sarah’s Hope Outreach: Once a month, students serve a meal at the shelter for women and children. Anyone can help and the sign-up is in the Campus Ministry office.
    • Beans and Bread: Monthly on Saturday mornings, students serve a meal to people who are experiencing homelessness in Baltimore's inner city.
  • Sports Team Service

    Many athletic teams do group projects to reinforce teamwork and remind their students that giving back is just as important as what they do on the field. Team service opportunities have included partnering with Archbishop Borders to sponsor recreational afternoons for its students on our campus, Habitat for Humanity builds, gift deliveries at Christmas, and even escorting seniors to on-campus events such as the play or band concerts.
  • Drives

    With a school of over 1300 faculty, staff, and students it is important that we pool our resources together to help those in our community most in need.  Several times throughout the year we organize drives to meet the needs of those around us.

    • Thanksgiving Food Drive: Each holiday season Calvert Hall students, faculty, and administration collect food for several hundred local families, distributed through many of the CHC cooperative agencies in the Baltimore Area.
    • Adopt-A-Family Drive: Calvert Hall students make Christmas more joyful each Holiday season by adopting a family. The Adopt-A-Family program, a partnership between local Baltimore agencies and Calvert Hall College is designed to provide Christmas gifts and food/gift certificates to needy families in the Baltimore region.
    • Mission Drive: Each year students participate in a drive to raise money for our brother school in Nigeria. The proceeds go to computers, uniforms and renovations.
  • Social Justice Programming

    Campus Ministry often sponsors school-wide assemblies to raise awareness around social justice issues. For example, students raised money for malaria netting after a presentation they received from a woman who travels to Africa regularly to deliver these nets. Another year, Jimmy Briggs came to Calvert Hall to discuss child soldiers and faculty and students formed a book club to learn more about the issue.
  • Summer Service

    Many students choose to participate in service activities in the summertime. 

    • Camp Umoja at NDP: Camp Umoja is a summer day camp for children from Baltimore City Public Housing. Since its beginning in 1985, children between the ages of 6 and 11 have attended. Located at Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson, Maryland, the camp offers daily Red Cross certified swimming lessons, arts and crafts and a tutoring program. Volunteer counselors from Notre Dame Prep and Calvert Hall College High School provide the campers with close supervision in a caring atmosphere. The young campers gain many important skills through tutoring, arts and crafts, and swimming. They also grow from the recognition that their counselors care deeply about them. Camp Umoja runs 2 sessions of two weeks each. Participants must commit to all days of one session. Dates and applications will be posted in late March.
    • Camp St. Vincent: Camp St. Vincent is a full day summer camp run by St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore that serves homeless children, ages 5 to 12 years old, from Batlimore City and County, Maryland. Camp St. Vincent's purpose is to reduce the negative consequences associated with homelessness for children living in shelters and transitional housing in the Baltimore region. Camp St. Vincent's program is specifically designed to address development with a structured reading and math curriculum, psycho-social groups and cultural enrichment activities. Children develop positive trusting relationships with Calvert Hall students that assist them in maintaining grade-appropriate academic performance, developing social competence and problem solving skills, strengthening autonomy, and gaining a sense of purpose. Camp St. Vincent also offers a structured outdoor recreation program that includes swimming, arts and crafts, singing, games, sports, and other enrichment activities and field trips. Camp St. Vincent runs 4 two week sessions. Students must commit to at least one session, but can stay on for as many weeks as they would like. Dates and applications will be posted in Late March.
    • Camp Koski: Camp Koski is a summer camp in Baltimore County for children 6-13 years old diagnosed with Autism or related disorders. Calvert Hall students serve on staff as counselors, mentors, and friends. Horse-back riding, computer activities, hayrides, fishing, and nature art are just a few of the activities this camp offers these very special children.

Service Immersion Opportunities at Calvert Hall

A wide variety of service immersion programs are offered at Calvert Hall to give students the experience of living and working with those who are marginalized. Immersion experiences can be life changing, because students acquire a greater sense of the world and bring their passion and knowledge back to their school environment.

Immersion Trips

List of 7 items.

  • Baltimore, Maryland

    This immersion experience challenges students to look at homelessness and poverty within their own city and community. Students will spend a long weekend looking closely at inner city Baltimore and urban poverty and homelessness. Students will live and serve at Our Daily Bread and spend time touring around downtown and seeing how the city has grown and changed, especially in its responses to these issues.
  • Browning, Montana

    Calvert Hall’s Montana Immersion program gives 10 students an opportunity to travel to Browning, Montana.  Browning is the heart of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. While on the reservation, students will experience a part of the country that is both scenic and unique. Students live among a Christian Brothers community that serves a middle school on the reservation. Our students spend time tutoring and mentoring middle school students as well as learning about their lives and the struggles and challenges native Americans face in the 21st century. Presentations throughout the week include topics such as Native American life, Blackfeet Economics, and Blackfeet Spirituality. Students will also visit the Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC in order to prepare for the trip. Students will be responsible for the work they miss during that week of school, and should take that into before applying.
  • Camden, New Jersey

    This “Urban Challenge” weekend gives ten students an opportunity to wrestle with issues of urban poverty in one of the economically poorest cities in America.  While in Camden, students live at the “Romero Center,” a retreat center whose mission is social justice education.  Students work at many different sites throughout the city and learn about the many ways the Camden community is trying to rebuild its image. Some of the sites include meal programs, pre-school programs, a wheel chair home, and habitat builds. Students will be responsible for making up the work on the one day of school they will miss during this trip. 
  • Miami, Florida

    The Miami Immersion trip is a week-long service immersion trip to La Salle Educational Center Homestead in Homestead, Florida, typically run during Calvert Hall's Easter Break. This trip gives 12 students the unique opportunity to provide mentorship and educational assistance to children at the La Salle Homestead, specifically in their after-school program. Students also have the opportunity to learn more about the migrant worker community in and around the Miami-Dade County area. During the trip, students stay at the La Salle Educational Center and live in community with those who assist in running the programs.
  • Port-au-Prince, Haiti

    Given the many other service opportunities at Calvert Hall, we feel it is important to include an international trip for students who have a deep interest in service and solidarity. Thanks to a partnership with DENA (District of Eastern North America), Calvert Hall is able to bring 10 students to College Saint Jean Baptist de La Salle in the Cazeau section of Port au Prince, Haiti.  Throughout the week, students run a camp for elementary school children throughout the day. In the afternoon, students visit different parts of the city meeting locals in an effort to understand some of the issues and problems Haiti faces as well as to discover the deep-seated joy and hospitality of the Haitian people. This trip challenges students to examine third-world poverty and explore poverty in their own lives.
  • Lasallian Youth Summer Assembly

    A summer leadership workshop that addresses how students can look critically at their community and lead through service. The Lasallian Youth Summer Assembly is hosted by different colleges within the district each summer so that students live, work and learn with students from other Lasallian Schools. Up to 8 students can go, and there is a brief application process.
  • Catholic Heart Work Camp

    The Catholic HEART Workcamp mission is to revitalize communities and beautify homes for the elderly, disabled and those who cannot afford needed repairs. Our goal is to inspire participants to serve in their local communities.  This trip also empowers participants to live as disciples of Christ through serving others.  This trip is also built to foster the spiritual growth of each participant through the sacraments, Catholic faithsharing, and prayer.

Peer Ministry

List of 2 items.

  • What do peer ministers do?

    A large part of what a peer does is simply listening. Peers are there for any student who needs someone to talk or walk with them on their journey. In terms of programs, peer ministers have a large role in CHC’s junior retreat program. Every peer writes and presents a “witness talk” on retreat, sharing his experiences and his faith journey. Peers also facilitate small group discussions and lead prayer. Peers also lead prayer experiences on our Freshman and Sophomore retreats as well. Peers provide examples and role models to younger students in their capacity as retreat leaders.
  • Why is Peer Ministry a great program?

    Peer Ministry brings together a large and diverse group of guys who might otherwise never talk or deal with each other, given that they might not interact with other sports or extra-curricular groups than the ones they participate. Not only do peers talk and guide other students, but they share faith together. Peer Ministers are selected across the board in terms of extra curriculars—there is a peer from almost every social facet of CHC. Peer Ministry makes faith cool and stresses our distinct Lasallian charism throughout the student body. The goal of the program is to get students involved in, and thinking more about, their own faith. The peers are a voice for the Campus Ministry Office and recruit other students for service opportunities, liturgical ministries, and prayer experiences throughout the year.

Peer Ministry Members

List of 3 items.

  • Seniors

    Ben Brune 
    Leo Burnham
    Kalil Bennett 
    Jake Crandall
    Ben Dawes
    Joe Duggan
    Daryl Escobal
    Damien Gerochi 
    Daniel Gerochi
    Joey Grant
    Tommy Hogarth
    Grady Kehl
    Evan Levasseur 
    Braeden Myrick
    Luka Posavec
    Will Robertson
    Nick Scheper 
    Brenden Trentler
    Ross Weaver
  • Juniors

    Peter Andrada
    Michael Bell
    Peter Buttarazzi 
    Ronan Butler
    James Cozzens
    Luke Doetschman 
    Brenden Gardner
    Thomas Pederson 
    Drew Regulski
    Sam Ryan
    Jase Rykiel
    Charlie Smith
    Sto Sullivan
  • Sophomores

    Ben Becker
    Gene Flynn
    Onyeka Ikpe
    Liam Kehoe
    Mark Levasseur 
    Andrew Trentler
    Michael Waite

Opportunities For Spiritual Growth

Prayer and Liturgy

A key pillar of the Office of Campus Ministry is to foster the faith-sharing and spiritual aspect of every student at Calvert Hall College High School through the unique integration of the celebration of the Eucharist and community prayer. Members of the Calvert Hall community come together to worship in a prayerful and reflective way. The spiritual lives of our students are very important. Throughout the year all classes are given the unique opportunities to gather in faith-sharing found below.

List of 6 items.

  • School-wide Liturgies

    Held throughout the school year, the entire student body is given a chance to gather together on Holy Days and other occasions in celebration of the Eucharist. Mass at The Hall is “for the guys, by the guys.” Students take leadership roles in all aspects of the Liturgical service – from lectors and altar-servers to Eucharistic Ministers and our very own student-led Liturgy Band.
  • Daily Communion Services

    Communion Services are held daily in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Star at 7:45 a.m. (Monday through Friday). Join Calvert Hall faculty, staff, administrators, and students beginning the school day with sharing of the Word of God.
  • First Friday Mass

    Every first Friday of the month, Calvert Hall shares in the Eucharist. We welcome one of our visiting priests for this intimate Liturgy held in our Chapel at 7:45 a.m.
  • Seasonal Prayer Services

    Prayer opportunities and faith-sharing small groups are held during the seasons of Advent and Lent to give students a chance to reflect during these special times of the Church calendar.
  • Sports Team Prayer Services

    Three times a year, during each sports season (Fall, Winter, Spring) all level athletes (Fresh/Soph, Junior Varsity, and Varsity) come together for a prayer service.  This is just one way to remind our athletes that their gifts and talents come from God and that prayer is part of being on any successful team.
  • Reconciliation and Eucharistic Adoration

    Both are offered throughout the school year to encourage the Calvert Hall community to reflect and offer prayers within the context of sacrament and ritual.

Liturgical Roles

Students are welcomed and encouraged to use their particular talents and gifts in service of the faith community. Formation and reflection sessions are held at the beginning of each year for those who wish to serve for the first time and for students who have had previous experience in liturgical ministry. A member of the Campus Ministry staff coordinates each liturgical ministry. That person works closely with students to set a prayerful tone for their liturgical roles.

List of 3 items.

  • Ministers of the Word

    Do you think of yourself as a good “story-teller?" Lectors are charged with the task of telling our family story; the story of salvation. This is the ministry of the Lord’s voice calling out in the midst of God’s people. We invite you to consider proclaiming the Word of God at school-wide Liturgies.
  • Ministers of Communion (Eucharistic Ministers)

    Do you see Christ in others? Do you feel called to welcome the least among us? Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are charged with the work of ministering Christ’s body and blood to the Body of Christ – the Church. Eucharistic Ministers serve at approximately 7 school-wide Liturgies.

    *Must be a Junior or a Senior.
  • Ministers of Music (Liturgy Band)

    Do you have musical talent in vocal singing or instrumentals and enjoy leading others in worship? The Liturgy Band is comprised solely of students, and promised music for all school-wide Liturgies and prayer services.

    Auditions are held in the spring semester for the following year, and the Liturgy Band typically rehearses after school for about 3 weeks before each Liturgy.

Campus Ministry Twitter

Campus Ministry Team

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Patrick Collins

    Patrick Collins 15

    Campus Minister
    Mount St. Mary's University - B.A.