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School Life
Summer Program

Academic Review

The purpose of Academic Review courses is to assist students who receive an academic failure in any subject during the regular school year. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be given full credit for the course in which they originally received a failure. Please note these courses are for review credit, not original credit.

Summer of 2024 classes will be held in-person.  Some classes will be administered online with the expectation that students will conduct the class from the George Young Hall Library at Calvert Hall.

: Because of the concentration of academic review courses, each student is expected to do written and study work daily outside of class.

SCHEDULE OF ACADEMIC REVIEW CLASSES: Courses meet Monday through Friday for one hour and forty minutes daily.  Some exceptions may occur. Because of the inherent nature of scheduling, definite times for specific courses may not be available until Tuesday, June 18. Courses will be canceled if there is insufficient registration. In the event a course is canceled because of insufficient enrollment, students or their parents will be notified by June 20. *Courses are added and canceled as needed.

Classes run from Monday, June 24 - Friday, July 26

FEE: The cost for review courses is $550 per course (which includes the registration fee).

The link to register is at the bottom of this page.

Session #1 Time Teacher Classroom
Religion 7am - 8:40am Barczak 210
Session #2 Time Teacher Classroom
English I and IV 8:15am - 9:55am Sundell 241
German I (Online - CHC students only) 8:15am - 9:55am Freeman Library
Chemistry and Physics 8:15am - 9:55am Luczak 211
Spanish I and III 8:15am - 9:55am Carbine 242
Algebra I 8:15am - 9:55am Barczak 210
Session #3 Time Teacher Classroom
Algebra II/Geometry 10:05am-11:45am Barczak 210
Band (CHC Students Only) 10:05am-11:45am Tuck 234
Biology 10:05am-11:45am Luczak 211
Pre-calculus 10:05am-11:45am Freeman Library
English II and III 10:05am-11:45am Sundell 241
Session #4 Time Teacher Classroom
Academic Support 12pm - 1:10pm Montcalmo 235

Academic Review Important Info

Attendance: Classes begin on Monday, June 24, and conclude on Friday, July 26, except where noted in the course description. We will be closed on July 4th and 5th in observance of Independence Day.

Academic Review Classes: Students are not allowed to miss any classes. Students who miss class may be dismissed from the Summer Program, at the discretion of the Director of the Summer Program, and will not receive credit for the course. If a student has more than two absences, credit cannot be given for the course. This should not be interpreted as entitling a student to two absences. Students who are truant will be dismissed from the Summer Program. Lateness for class twice will be treated as a day of unexcused absence. Detention and makeup of class time may result from attendance issues. 

Books: A booklist will be enclosed with the course confirmation/welcome email. Students will be expected to acquire their text(s) the first day of class. Most textbooks will be available to rent. Please note all book rentals must be made in cash. Cardinal Shop will not be open during summer school.

Evaluation: The requirements and syllabi for the Summer Program courses have been established and approved by the regular Academic Departments and the Administration. Students must successfully complete ALL course requirements stipulated by the instructor in order to receive a passing grade.

1. A minimum passing grade of 70 is required in order to pass an academic review class. A student who receives a grade below 70 in any academic review class will have failed the requirements and will not receive credit for the course. A teacher reserves the right to override the calculated grade average if a student fails to satisfactorily put forth effort during all five weeks.

2. Report cards will be issued to each student weekly. Report cards are to be signed by the student's parent/guardian and returned to the instructor on the first day of class after distribution.

3. Final reports will be mailed to parents and schools within two weeks after the last day of class. The final report will indicate if the student has successfully completed all course work and requirements.

Registration: All courses are open to male and female students of any religious affiliation or school system. All students must have permission from a parent/guardian to attend. Students are responsible for registering for the proper course(s). Applications may be sent to Calvert Hall by mail.  A confirmation of the course(s), time(s), booklist and room number(s) will be sent by June 19. Registration after June 20 should be done in person in the Summer Program Office. Summer program tuition must be paid in full by June 24 in order to begin classes. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Director of the Summer Program.

Summer Program Office: The Summer Program Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to noon. All business should be conducted during these hours.

Withdrawal: Requests for withdrawal from courses must be made in writing to the Director of the Summer Program by a student’s parent. In cases of withdrawal for personal reasons after June 21st but before June 24th, 75% of the tuition will be refunded. No tuition refunds will be given in cases of withdrawal after June 24th. If a student is dismissed because of disciplinary or attendance reasons, no refund of tuition will be given regardless of the date.

Summer Class Rules

The following rules and regulations are intended to ensure an environment which is conducive to learning.

Cell Phones: Students may carry cell phones. However, phones must be turned off upon entering the building and phones may only be used outside the buildings. Detention will be assigned to any student whose cell phone is active (seen or heard) during a class. 
Discipline: Each student is expected to cooperate fully and abide by Calvert Hall’s Summer Program regulations. Calvert Hall reserves the right to dismiss any student from the Summer Program whose conduct is poor, who fails to follow the rules and regulations of the Summer Program, or who does not contribute to the school in a positive manner. 
Dress: All students are expected to conform to the regulations established for proper dress code. Students must look professional and presentable. 
Male Students: Male students are expected to wear long pants and collared sport/golf shirts. Jeans are acceptable (as long as they are not ripped, written on, or torn). T-shirts, shorts, or sweatpants are NOT allowed. Tennis shoes are acceptable. Flip-flops are not acceptable. Caps and other head gear are not to be worn in the building. Earrings and body piercings are not permitted. Visible tattoos are not permitted. 
Female Students: Female students are expected to wear dresses or blouses/collared shirts with skirts/slacks/jeans. Bermuda shorts, miniskirts, sweatpants or skorts are NOT to be worn. Skirts must be knee length or longer. T-shirts, halter tops and tight tops are not acceptable. Shirts must have a collar or jewel neckline. Midriffs must be covered. Body piercings and visible tattoos are not permitted. 
Students improperly dressed may receive detention or be removed from class and marked absent (unexcused). The Director of the Summer Program is the final arbitrator of the dress code. 
Parking: Students who drive to school may park in the student section of the parking lots or on LaSalle Road. Parking is allowed on Putty Hill Avenue, but students should be careful of special time restrictions. Students are not allowed to park in the Faculty Parking Lot, in the Brothers’ House parking lot or in front of houses in the neighborhood. Students are reminded to observe posted regulations both on the county streets and on the school grounds. 
Personal Belongings: The school assumes no responsibility for personal belongings. Proper identification should be placed on all belongings. 
Smoking: Smoking is NOT permitted on the school premises. 
Telephone Calls: Telephone calls can be delivered to students only in cases of emergency. 
Students are responsible for all information in the Summer Program regulations, information sheets, and all announcements made in class.